MIL-PRF-19500-117 Semiconductor Devices, Diode, Silicon, Voltage Regulator, Types 1N962B- 1 Through 1N992B-1, And 1N962Bur-1 Through 1N992Bur-1, 1N962C-1 Through 1N992C-1, And 1N962Cur-1 Through 1N992Cur-1, And 1N962D-1 Through 1N992D-1, 1N962Dur-1 Through 1N992Dur-1, Jan, Jantx, Jantxv, Janhc And JankcThis specification covers the performance requirements for 500 milliwatt, silicon, voltage regulator diodes with voltage tolerances of 5 percent, 2 percent, and 1 percent. Three levels of product assurance are provided for each encapsulated device type as specified in MIL-PRF-19500. One level of product assurance is provided for each unencapsulated device type.