MIL-PRF-19500 Semiconductor Devices, General Specification ForThis specification establishes the general performance requirements for semiconductor devices. Product assurance is provided by effective screening, conformance inspection, and process controls to mitigate risk. Mission assurance and standardization of parts are the highest priorities. This specification establishes a heritage program of semiconductor devices the military and space community can rely on to be dependable and available. Detail requirements and characteristics are specified in the specification sheets. Revisions to this specification and specification sheets are structured to assure the interchangeability of devices of the same part type regardless of manufacturing date code or conformance inspection \(CI\) completion date. Four quality levels for encapsulated devices are provided for in this specification, differentiated by the prefixes JAN, JANTX, JANTXV, and JANS. Eight radiation hardness assurance \(RHA\) levels are provided for the JANTXV and JANS quality levels. These are designated by the letters M, D, P, L, R, F, G, and H following the quality level portion of the prefix. Two quality levels for unencapsulated devices are provided for in this specification, differentiated by the prefixes JANHC and JANKC.