* 4.3 Screening (JANTX and JANTXV levels only). Screening shall be in accordance with appendix E, table E-IV of
MIL-PRF-19500, and as specified herein. The following measurements shall be made in accordance with table I
herein. Devices that exceed the limits of table I herein shall not be acceptable.
Screen (see appendix E,
table E-IV of MIL-PRF-19500)
JANTX and JANTXV levels
(1) 3c
Thermal impedance (see 4.3.2)
Not applicable
IR1 and VF1
Method 1038, condition B (see 4.3.1)
Subgroup 2 of table I herein; ĆIR1 ≤ 100 percent of
(2) 13
initial value or 250 nA dc, whichever is greater;
ĆVF1 ≤ ±0.1 V dc. Scope display evaluation (see
(3) 14
(1) Thermal impedance shall be performed any time after sealing provided temperature
cycling is performed in accordance with screen 3 of MIL-PRF-19500, prior to this
thermal test.
(2) ZθJX is not required in screen 13, if already previously performed.
(3) For clear glass diodes, the hermetic seal (gross leak) may be performed at any time after
temperature cycling.
* 4.3.1 Power burn-in conditions. Power burn-in conditions are as follows (see IO(min) = Rated IO (see 1.3
herein). TA = 55°C maximum. Test conditions in accordance with method 1038 of MIL-STD-750, condition B. Adjust
IO or TA to achieve the required TJ. TJ = 135°C minimum. With approval of the qualifying activity and preparing
activity, alternate burn-in criteria (hours, bias conditions, TJ, mounting conditions, etc.) may be used for JANTX and
JANTXV quality levels. A justification demonstrating equivalence is required. In addition, the manufacturing site's
burn-in data and performance history will be essential criteria for burn-in modification approval.
* 4.3.2 Thermal impedance. The thermal impedance measurements shall be performed in accordance with method
3101 or 4081 as applicable of MIL-STD-750 using the guidelines in that method for determining IM, IH, tH, (and VC
where appropriate). tMD shall be 70 µs maximum.
4.4 Conformance inspection. Conformance inspection shall be in accordance with MIL-PRF-19500, and as
specified herein.
* 4.4.1 Group A inspection. Group A inspection shall be conducted in accordance with appendix E, table E-V
MIL-PRF-19500, and table I herein.
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