E.6.5 Group D inspection. Group D inspection shall be performed in accordance with table E-VIII and the
requirements of the specification sheet. Group D may be completed any time in the lot history (i.e., prior to lot
formation, or before screening ). Group D sample devices shall be assembled in it's qualified package or in any
qualified package that the manufacturer has data to correlate the performance to the designated package and as a
minimum, pass group A, subgroup 2 prior to irradiation. A sample which fails group D may be resubmitted once, in
accordance with E.3.6.3. In lieu of resubmission, a lot or wafer which fails group D testing may be used as a non-
RHA devices or may be certified at a lower RHA level if the group D data indicates the lot or wafer meets the lower
level requirements.
E.6.6 Group E inspection. Group E is a workmanship, ruggedness, and critical interface verification inspection.
Group E testing, when specified on the specification sheet is required for initial qualification, re-qualification, and
when group E requirements are changed. Whenever group E is re-performed due to changes in requirements
(including sample size and bias condition modifications), only the affected subgroups need to be performed except
ESD classification shall be performed (see E.4.2.1). The results of group E testing shall be submitted to the
qualifying activity (by all manufacturers prior to shipment of product, as applicable). Product redesigns may be
subjected to group E testing as required by the qualifying activity.
E.6.6.1 Group E testing requirements. Group E shall be performed in accordance with table E-IX and the
specification sheet. All tests within a subgroup shall be performed in the order specified. An evaluation shall be
performed on all failures to determine if the failure mode is the result of a latent (time dependent) defect,
workmanship, or design weakness. Appropriate corrective action shall be performed and approved by the qualifying
E.6.6.2 Alternate group E testing procedures. Manufacturers may use internal design verification or ongoing
reliability assessment programs in lieu of group E, subgroups 1 and 2 only, provided this testing is equivalent to or
more stressful than group E and is performed using the same design and construction on file at the qualifying activity.
This alternate testing shall be approved by the preparing activity and the qualifying activity.
E.6.7 Groups B, C, D, and E end-points. Post-test end-points specified in the specification sheet shall be
measured for each device of the sample after completion of all specified tests in the subgroups. Pre-test electrical
failures shall be replaced by acceptable devices. An engineering evaluation shall be performed and corrective action
taken if necessary on all screened devices, which fail pre-test. Resubmission of the lot to the failed parameter shall
be initiated whenever operator error or mishandling is not found to be the cause for failure. Except as specified or
otherwise required, all life test (such as operation, storage, blocking) end-point measurements shall be performed
within 96 hours after sample units have been subjected to and removed from required tests. All other end-point test
measurements shall be made within 168 hours, or as specified. Additional measurements may be made at the
discretion of the manufacturer. If end-point measurements can not be performed within the specified time, refer to
the applicable MIL-STD-750 test method for the procedure to follow.
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