TABLE E-III. Testing guidelines for changes to a qualified product. 1/ 2/ 3/ 4/ 5/ 6/ 7/ 8/
JAN/TX/TXV Product
JANS Product
Samples to be
Changes (see D.3.4.2)
Subgroups required to be
Subgroups required to be
submitted to
performed and data submitted
performed and data
qualifying activity in
to DLA Land and Maritime
submitted to DLA Land and
accordance with
tables and
subgroups herein
1. Die properties
a. Construction technique
Group A, C6
Groups A, B, C, D, E
C6, 2 samples
(alloy, planar, mesa)
b. Substrate, epitaxial properties
Group A, C6
Group A, C6
C6, 2 samples
c. Diffusion profile
Group A, C6
Group A, B5, D2, D8
C6, 2 samples
(alloy, ion implant, diffusion)
d. Surface deposition - passivation
Group A, TM 1039 of MIL-
Group A, B5
C6, 2 samples
STD-750, cond A, C6
e. Surface deposition front metal
Group A, B2, and C6
Group A, B2, and C6
C6, 2 samples
f. Surface deposition back metal
Group A, B2, and C6
Group A, B2, C5, C6
C6, 2 samples
g. Surface deposition glassivation
Group A, TM1039 of MIL-
Group A, B5, D2
C6, 2 samples
over metal
STD-750, cond A, C6
h. Surface deposition Die
Group A, TM1039 cond A,
Group A, B3, C6,
C6, 2 samples
protective coating
i. Geometry - die size
Group A, C6, E4
Group A,B,C,D,E
C6, 2 samples
j. Geometry - die thickness
Group A, C6
Group A, C6, E4
C6, 2 samples
k. Fab location move
Groups A, B, C
Notify qualifying activity
One each B and C
2. Package properties
a. Package material / dimension
Groups B1, B2, B3, C1, C7
Group B1, B2, B3,
change (base, lid, plug, glass)
Group C1-C7 and E4
b. Die attach method / material
Groups C3, C6, E1
Groups B3, C3, C6, E4
C6, 2 samples
c. Bond wire material / diameter /
Groups B2, B3, C3
Groups B3, C3, C6
B3, 2 samples
d. Sealing technique / environment
Groups B2, B3, C3, C7
Groups B3, C3, C7
B3, 2 samples
e. Assembly location move
Notify qualifying activity
Notify qualifying activity
As required
1/ Acceptable supporting data may be submitted to reduce or eliminate required testing.
2/ When variable data is required for applicable groups A and C testing, data histograms providing acceptable parameter data
summaries may be submitted in place of variables.
3/ If changes involve more than one device type from the same certified line, contact the qualifying activity to determine appropriate
selection of device type(s) to be selected for testing.
4/ The qualifying activity may add or reduce testing if warranted by specification sheet requirements or unique design or process
circumstances after notification of the manufacturer.
5/ All groups and subgroups referenced herein apply to JANTX and JANTXV only. Test requirements for sample submittals for
design changes to JANS level qualified product are to be determined by the qualifying activity.
6/ Additional testing and evaluation in accordance with group E to establish confidence in the proposed change shall be performed
as required by the qualifying activity (see E.6.6).
7/ New die design requires full qualification.
8/ For small die flow use group B, step 1 in lieu of C6 requirement.
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