A.6.3.5 Off-state. The condition of a thyristor corresponding to the high resistance low current portion of the
principal voltage-current characteristic between the origin and the breakover point in the switching quadrant.
A.6.3.6 On impedance. The differential impedance between the terminals through which the principal current flows
when the thyristor is in the on state.
A.6.3.7 On-state. The condition of a thyristor corresponding to the low resistance, low voltage portion of the
principal voltage-current characteristic in the switching quadrant.
A.6.3.8 Principal current. A generic term for the current through the device excluding gate current.
A.6.3.9 Principal voltage. The voltage between the main terminals.
A.6.3.10 Principal voltage-current characteristic (principal characteristic)). A function, usually represented
graphically, relating the principal voltage to the principal current, with gate current where applicable, as a parameter.
A.6.3.11 Reverse blocking impedance. The differential impedance between the two terminals through which the
principal current flows when the thyristor is in the reverse blocking state at a stated operating point.
A.6.3.12 Reverse blocking state. The condition of a reverse blocking thyristor corresponding to the portion of the
anode to cathode voltage-current characteristic for which the reverse currents are of lower magnitude than the
reverse breakdown current.
A.6.3.13 Switching quadrant. A quadrant of the principal voltage-current characteristic in which a device is
intended to switch between an off state and an on state.
A.7.1 Optoelectronic device. A device that is responsive to or that emits or modifies electromagnetic radiation in
the visible, infrared, or ultraviolet spectral regions; or a device that utilizes such electromagnetic radiation for its
internal operation.
A.7.1.1 Conversion efficiency. The ratio of maximum available power output resulting from photovoltaic operation
to total incident radiant flux.
A.7.1.2 Dark condition. The condition attained when the electrical parameter under consideration approaches a
value which cannot be altered by further irradiation shielding.
A.7.1.3 Dark current. The current that flows through a photosensitive device in the dark condition.
A.7.1.4 Light current. The current that flows through a photosensitive device when it is exposed to radiant energy.
A.7.1.5 Photoconductive diode. A photodiode that is intended to be used as a photoconductive transducer.
A.7.1.6 Photocurrent. The difference in magnitude between light current and dark current.
A.7.1.7 Photodiode. A diode that is intended to be responsive to radiant energy.
A.7.1.8 Photodiode, avalanche. A photodiode that is intended to take advantage of avalanche multiplication of
A.7.1.9 Photoemitter. A device that emits electromagnetic radiation in the visible, infrared, or ultraviolet spectral
A.7.1.10 Photosensitive device. A device that is responsive to electromagnetic radiation in the visible, infrared, or
ultraviolet spectral regions.
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