d. Frontside and backside metal prior to sintering with the following stipulations.
(1) Visual examination of the front side of the wafer shall not reveal any residue or "ghost" footprint of the
previous metallization. It shall essentially be impossible to differentiate a reworked stripped
metallization wafer from a wafer that has never been metalized.
(2) Rework on front side metal is only permitted on junction devices (zeners, diodes, rectifiers, bipolar
transistors, SCR's, JFET's) or Schottkys. MOSFETs are not permitted.
(3) It is not permitted on any device for which the metal is patterned by an evaporation or sputtering metal
mask rather than using photoresist and etching.
(4) It is permitted on backside metal for all types provided suitable masking or protection is used for the
front side metal, unless the rework is purposely being done to rework both the front and the back metals
that are of identical construction.
e. Additional or re-diffusion provided a photolithography step has not occurred between diffusions.
For JANS, strip and redeposition of any oxide, or passivation layer is not allowed.
D. Assembly rework. Devices shall not be reworked during assembly. Devices shall not be subjected to
temperatures or processes that will reflow the die attach material. Wire bonded devices shall not be subjected to
rebonding. Devices shall not be resealed under any circumstances.
D. Rework of assembled devices. No delidding or package opening shall be permitted except for disc
packages. Unless otherwise specified, rework of sealed packages is limited to recleaning, rebranding to correct
defective marking, and lead straightening, replating, or resolder dipping of the leads. Rebranding and resolder
dipping may be performed as needed and are not subject to the one rework limit. After any replating or resolder
dipping, all JANS shall pass as a 100-percent screen, the requirements of group A, subgroup 2 of the specification
sheet and the hermetic seal requirements of screen 14 of table E-IV herein. For JANS clear glass diodes only, the
parts shall pass the hermetic seal requirements with a sample size of 116 pieces with no failures. All JANTXV and
JANTX shall pass the requirements of group A, subgroup 2 of the specification sheet and the hermetic seal
requirements of screen 14 of table E-IV herein with a sample size of 116 pieces with no failures allowed. Solder dip
and plating rework shall be in accordance with appendix H.
D. Irradiation of assembled devices. Irradiation is allowed when part of the qualified flow. If any portion
of a lot requires re-irradiation, a new inspection lot shall be formed, identified, and CI performed as required.
D.3.13.3 Rejected lots. Lots with an unscreenable failure mode shall be rejected (see E.6.1.1).
D.3.14 Corrective and preventive action.
D.3.14.1 Corrective action. The system identifies the necessity for corrective action as a result of failure, defect
analysis, inappropriate performance of inspections/procedures, product trends, product returns, inappropriate records
and audits (both customer and internal). The corrective action system shall provide for the use of a standard format
for documenting corrective actions. This standard format shall provide evidence of: Documents created and /or
revised to correct the problem, training, and follow-up to verify implementation and effectiveness. Failure to initiate
corrective action may result in removal of products from the qualified product list. The corrective action system shall
identify when a failure analysis is to be employed (i.e., field use, user analysis, Government Industry Data Exchange
Program (GIDEP), competitive analysis).
D.3.14.2 Preventive action. Appropriate sources of information such as processes and work operations which
affect product quality, audit results, quality records, and customer complaints shall be used to detect, analyze, and
eliminate potential causes of non-conformities. The methodology for the initiation, implementation, and follow up of
preventive actions shall be documented by the manufacturer.
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