4.3 Screening (JANTXV and JANTX levels only). Screening shall be in accordance with table IV of MIL-PRF-19500, and as specified
herein. The following measurements shall be made in accordance with table I herein. Devices that exceed the limits of table I herein
shall not be acceptable. Screening shall be conducted on 100 percent of the discrete diode lot prior to assembly and encapsulation into
rectifier modules.
Screen (see table IV
of MIL-PRF-19500)
JANTX and JANTXV levels
Surge, see 4.3.2.
All tests of tables I and II
Not applicable
VF1 and IR1
See 4.3.1
ĆVF1 = +0.1/-0.2 V dc
ĆIR1 = 250 nA dc or 100 percent of initial value,
whichever is greater, for 1N5597 and 1N5660.
ĆIR1 = 500 nA dc or 100 percent of initial value,
whichever is greater, for 1N5603.
1/ Surge screening shall be performed anytime after screen 3 and
before screen 10.
2/ See tables I and II.
4.3.1 Power burn-in conditions. Power burn-in conditions are as follows:
TA = +125°C, VR at rated (dc), IF = 0
4.3.2 Surge screening. See MIL-STD-750, method 4066. VRWM = 0, IO = 0, IFSM apply 20 x IO rated at TA = +75°C, 8.3 ms, 3
surges, TA = 75°C or rectangular pulse of equivalent IRMS, duty factor = 1 percent maximum.
4.3.3 Internal corona screening. This 100 percent test shall be performed in accordance with 4.5.4 herein on the finished module.
4.4 Conformance inspection. Conformance inspection shall be in accordance with MIL-PRF-19500.
4.4.1 Group A inspection. Group A inspections shall be conducted in accordance with MIL-PRF-19500, and table III herein.
4.4.2 Group B inspection. Group B inspection shall be conducted in accordance with the conditions specified for subgroup testing in
table VIb (JAN, JANTX, and JANTXV) of MIL-PRF-19500 and paragraph herein. Electrical measurements (end-points) shall be
in accordance with table I, group A, subgroup 2 herein.
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