MIL-PRF-19500/354L Group E thermal response. With extremely small junction devices such as this one, a true thermal
impedance cannot be measured, only calculated. While "thermal response" has been substituted for "thermal
impedance" herein, the terms, units, and procedures is essentially unchanged. Each supplier shall submit a thermal
response (ZθJX) histogram of the entire qualification lot. The histogram data shall be taken prior to the removal of
devices that are atypical for thermal response. Thermal response curves (from ZθJX test pulse time to RθJX minimum
steady-state time) of the best device in the qual lot and the worst device in the qual lot (that meets the supplier
proposed screening limit), or from the thermal grouping, shall be submitted. The optimal test conditions and
proposed initial thermal response screening limit shall be provided in the qualification report. Data indicating how the
optimal test conditions were derived for ZθJX shall also be submitted. The proposed maximum thermal response ZθJX
screening limit shall be submitted. The qualifying activity may approve a different ZθJX limit for conformance
inspection end-point measurements as applicable. Equivalent data, procedures, or statistical process control plans
may be used for part, or all, of the above requirements. The approved thermal response conditions and limit for ZθJX
shall be used by the supplier in screening and table I, subgroup 2. The approved thermal resistance conditions for
RθJX shall be used by the supplier for conformance inspection. For product families with similar thermal
characteristics based on the same physical and thermal die, package, and construction combination (thermal
grouping), the supplier may use the same thermal response curves.
* 4.3 Screening (JANS, JANTX, and JANTXV levels only). Screening shall be in accordance with table E-IV of
MIL-PRF-19500, and as specified herein. The following measurements shall be made in accordance with table I
herein. Devices that exceed the limits of table I herein shall not be acceptable.
Screen (see table
E-IV of
JANS level
JANTX and JANTXV levels
(1) 3c
Thermal impedance (response)
Thermal impedance (response)
method 3131 of MIL-STD-750.
method 3131 of MIL-STD-750.
See 4.3.3.
See 4.3.3.
* 9
Not applicable
ICBO2 and hFE2
24 hours minimum
24 hours minimum
ICBO2; hFE2; ĆICBO2 = 100 percent or 2
* 11
ICBO2 and hFE2
nA dc, whichever is greater;
ĆhFE2 = ±15 percent change of initial
See 4.3.1
See 4.3.1
Subgroups 2 and 3 of table I herein;
Subgroup 2 of table I herein;
ĆICBO2 = 100 percent or 2 nA dc,
ĆICBO2 = 100 percent or 2 nA dc,
whichever is greater; ĆhFE2 = ±15
whichever is greater; ĆhFE2 = ±25
percent change of initial value.
percent change of initial value.
(1) Shall be performed anytime after temperature cycling, screen 3a; and does not need to be repeated in
screening requirements.
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