3.5 Marking. Devices shall be marked as specified in MILPRF19500.
3.6 Reverse polarity. Reverse polarity units (see 3.4.2.a and 3.4.2.b) shall be marked with an "R" preceding the
"A" or "B" in the type designation, as applicable.
3.7 Workmanship. Semiconductor devices shall be processed in such a manner as to be uniform in quality and
shall be free from other defects that will affect life, serviceability, or appearance.
4.1 Classification of inspections. The inspection requirements specified herein are classified as follows:
Qualification inspection (see 4.2).
Screening (see 4.3).
4.2 Qualification inspection. Qualification inspection shall be in accordance with MILPRF19500.
4.3 Screening (JANS, JANTXV, AND JANTX levels only). Screening shall be in accordance with table EIV of
MILPRF19500, and as specified herein. The following measurements shall be made in accordance with table I
herein. Devices that exceed the limits of table I herein shall not be acceptable.
(see table E-IV of
JANS level
JANTXV and JANTX level
IR1 and VZ (for devices with VZ(nom) ≥ 10 V
Not applicable
dc; see column 2 of table III herein)
IR1 and VZ; ĆIR1 = 100 percent of initial value
or 1 percent of column 12 of table III herein,
whichever is greater, ĆVZ = ±2.5 percent of
IR1 and VZ
initial value (for devices with VZ(nom) ≥ 10 V
dc, see column 2 of table III herein)
See 4.3.1
See 4.3.1
Subgroup 2 of table I herein; ĆIR1 = 100
Subgroups 2, 3, and 4 of table I herein;
ĆIR1 = 100 percent of initial value or 1 percent
percent of initial value or 1 percent of
of column 12 of table III herein, whichever is
column 12 of table III herein, whichever is
greater; ĆVZ = ±2.5 percent of initial value
greater; ĆVZ = ±2.5 percent of initial value
4.3.1 Power burn-in conditions. Power burn-in conditions are as follows: TJ = 165°C minimum with IZ not to
4.4 Conformance inspection. Conformance inspection shall be in accordance with MILPRF19500.
4.4.1 Group A inspection. Group A inspection shall be conducted in accordance with table EIV of
MILPRF19500 and table I herein. End-point electrical measurements shall be in accordance with the applicable
steps of table II herein.
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