4.3 Screening (JANS, JANTXV and JANTX levels only). Screening shall be in accordance with table E-IV of
MILPRF19500, and as specified herein. The following measurements shall be made in accordance with table I herein.
Devices that exceed the limits of table I herein shall not be acceptable.
(see table E-IV of
JANS level
JANTX and JANTXV levels
Not applicable
Not applicable
(1) 3c
Thermal impedance, see 4.3.1
Thermal impedance, see 4.3.1
Not applicable
IR1 and VZ (1N4466 thru 1N4496 only)
Required for device > 10 V dc.
Not applicable
IR1 and VZ, ĆIR1 ≤ ±100 percent of initial
IR1 and VZ
reading or 50 nA, whichever is greater.
ĆVZ ≤ ±2 percent of initial reading (2)
Required see 4.3.2
Required see 4.3.2
Scope display see 4.5.7
Subgroup 2 of table I herein;
ĆIR1 (max) ≤ ±100 percent of initial reading or
Subgroups 2 and 3 of table I herein;
ĆIR1 (max) ≤ ±100 percent of initial reading or
25 percent of column 12 in table III (1N6485
25 percent of column 12 in table III (1N6485
1N4466); 50 nA (1N4467 1N4496),
whichever is greater; ĆVZ ≤ ±2 percent of initial
1N4466); 50 nA (1N4467 1N4496),
whichever is greater; ĆVZ ≤ ±2 percent of initial
(1) Shall be performed any time after temperature cycling, screen 3a; JANTX and JANTXV levels do not need to be
repeated in screening requirements.
4.3.1 Thermal impedance. The thermal impedance measurements shall be performed in accordance with method
3101 or 4081 of MILSTD750, as applicable, using the guidelines in that method for determining IM, IH, tH, tSW (VC
4.3.2 Free air power burn-in conditions. Power burn-in conditions are as follows (see 4.5.6): TA = 75°C maximum.
Test conditions in accordance with method 1038 of MIL-STD-750, condition B. Adjust IZ or TA to achieve the required
TJ, and IZ(min) shall be ≥ 50 percent of column 8 of table III. TJ = 135°C minimum. With approval of the qualifying
activity and preparing activity, alternate burn-in criteria (hours, bias conditions, TJ, mounting conditions) may be used
for JANTX and JANTXV quality levels. A justification demonstrating equivalence is required. In addition, the
manufacturing site's burn-in data and performance history will be essential criteria for burn-in modification approval.
4.4 Conformance inspection. Conformance inspection shall be in accordance with MILPRF19500 and as
specified herein.
4.4.1 Group A inspection. Group A inspection shall be in accordance with MILPRF19500 and table I herein.
4.4.2 Group B inspection. Group B inspection shall be conducted in accordance with the conditions specified for
subgroup testing in appendix E, table E-VIa (JANS) and E-VIb (JAN, JANTX, and JANTXV) of MILPRF19500.
Electrical measurements (end-points) shall be in accordance with the applicable inspections of table I, subgroup 2
herein. ZθJX is an end-point for these subgroups: B2 and B3 (JAN, JANTX, and JANTXV product levels only).
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