RBB1 = 150 Ω.
VBB1 = 20 V dc.
K = s.p.s.t relay, 6 V ac coil (Clare Mercury Relay, model number HGP-1400, or equivalent).
RBB2 = 33 Ω.
VBB2 = 1.5 V dc.
RS = 1 Ω ±1 percent, .5 watt (non-inductive).
VCC = The voltage should be adjusted to approximately 17 volts.
L = 25 mH, 100 mA, 83 Ω resistive (Miller number 957, or equivalent).
Vclamp = 55 V (min).
V(BR)CEX clamped at 10 percent over rating.
FIGURE 7. VBR(CEX) (clamped inductive) test circuit.
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