1. Test fixture is the circuit as described on figure 4.
2. RF power source may be any unit capable of generating desired power level at desired frequency with a
harmonic and spurious content at least 20 dB below operating frequency level.
3. The RF isolator may be any device (pad, circulator, ect.) capable of establishing at least 20 dB of
isolation (RL > 20 dB) between RF source and test fixture.
4. Variable attenuators (or fixed if calibrated): Attenuator on directional coupler number 2 shall be
calculated against known working standard either by means of calibration chart or suitable adjustment if
variable. Attenuator at position "A" of directional coupler number 1 shall be calibrated or adjusted so
that actual power at test fixture is known. Attenuator at position "B" shall be adjusted to establish
sensitivity needed to measure VSWR.
5. RF switch may be eliminated if additional power meters are used.
a. Remove "test fixture" and install jumper between directional coupler number 1 and directional coupler
number 2.
b. Set the RF switch to power output position "C".
c. Adjust frequency and power of RF source, as required by specification, and monitor frequency
counter and RF power meter respectively (see note 4).
d. Set the RF switch to position "A" and adjust variable attenuator to obtain identical reading as
power out in position "C" (see note 4).
e. Reconnect "test fixture" in test setup and insert device.
f. Adjust power supply to 28 V dc.
g. Adjust circuit output tuning for maximum power gain and circuit input tuning for maximum VSWR.
(Switch between power in; VSWR, and power out while tuning and repeat as many times as necessary
to obtain minimum VSWR and maximum power out. Check power in level before taking final reading.
Minimum VSWR is defined as minimum reading obtained on power meter with switch in position "B"
and maintaining power in.)
FIGURE 5. RF power output (POUT) test procedure.
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